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I'm Bad At Intros. Apologies.


I'm no longer blonde,but this is the best photo I have of me

        Hello there! I'm Shelby. I live in Ottawa, Ontario with my partner Ben and our loyal sous chefs and fur babies Izzy and Merlot. I work for the largest Veterans support organization in Canada and I absolutely love what I do. Cooking has always been one of my passions and where so many memories were made for. It has even lead me down my own personal spiritual journey of Kitchen Witchcraft. Mom, if you're reading this, calm down. I'm not sacrificing anything or anyone on the Full Moon. I'm literally collecting rocks, learning the meanings of herbs, and practicing my tarot cards and astrology.  Since I was old enough to hold a spoon, I was helping the adults in the kitchen. I have always wanted to start a food page, but never knew what to post. Then, an idea came to me. 
        I was going to cook one dish from every country in the world and document my journey. Originally, it was j
ust going to be an Instagram page, but I wanted to  

be able to tell a story and really document this culinary adventure. "Dang Shel, there are 195 countries. That is A LOT of cooking". Yupp, and it is daunting. Researching, vetting recipes, and putting a plan together has been time consuming, so why am I doing this? I grew up in a tiny, very homogenous rural community in Cape Breton, Canada. Food was the first way I was exposed to a culture that was not my own. I love to try new things and now I want to take on the challenge of learning how to create this dishes. I want to be as true to the cultures as possible and show my full appreciation. Come join me on this culinary adventure as I travel the world from my kitchen.    

         This blog is also a way for me to have a healthy relationship with food. I am an obese person and I have always been a bigger person, even while in utero (I had to be a scheduled c-section, sorry Mom!). So this is also a place where I want to be able to love food and enjoy cooking. To not micro analyze every little ingredient that I use and to have a passion for cooking again rather than treating it like a chore or feeling like I shouldn't enjoy food because society is a bitch (there will be a lot of swearing here. Again, sorry Mom).  P.S - I LOVE feedback. Please feel free to send me a message with any tips, tricks or just to say hi :) 

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